A little about me!

Hello, my name is Chloe!

I am currently a junior at Claremont Mckenna College studying economics and psychology with a leadership sequence! I am from Seattle, Washington (specifically Bellevue), but grew up in Beijing and Hong Kong before moving to Seattle. I was born in Chicago, then moved to Hong Kong, then Beijing, then Seattle, and now I am here in Claremont!

In this chart below, I will be rating each place I have lived in and how long I've lived there for.

City Years Lived Rating
Hong Kong 9 4/5
Beijing 4 3/5
Seattle/Bellevue 5 4/5
Claremont 2 3/5

Hong Kong Beijing Seattle Claremont

For a little more about me, here are lists of my favorite foods and shows!

Click here to get redirected to our course webpage and here to get redirected to Professor Izbicki's webpage!

Check out some of my classmates' websites: Kristina's Website Timon's Website

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.